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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Daisy Class


Your class teacher is Miss Lane.

Frances will also be working with us, as well as Vicki and Gerri.

We have PE on    (more information to follow soon) 


Welcome to Daisy Class, I am looking forward to having you in my class this year and our year together. We are going to have lots of fun together and I’m looking forward to watching you grow, develop, learn and to be part of your child’s learning journey.

Here is a little about what we will be doing in the first half term and the books we will be basing our learning on. The Colour Monster, Super Duper you and Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly.

Remember to bring in your Chatter bags that you have been working on throughout the holidays – I am looking forward to seeing and hearing all about what you have been up to and your challenges.

We will be settling the children in for the first few weeks but whilst doing this we will be doing the following.

In Read Write Inc we will be learning set 1 sounds, how to write and form the letters and to blend the sounds that we have learnt into words.

In Maths we will be looking at ourselves – what our favourite colours, animals, favourite fruits, foods are and many more. As well as, looking at patterns, sequencing events, looking at positional language and singing nursery rhymes.

In Art we will be learning the technique printing – we will be using different materials to print and learning about artists that have used printing techniques. 

The children will also have lots of fun during free flow, where they will have access to play with and choose a variety of activities to explore, including the art and outside areas.

Please remember to check Tapestry – as this is the platform that we use to inform you about events and activities that we are doing, as well as, asking you to bring in items for craft activities and adding photos and information of what your child has been up to at school. Remember that you can add photos and videos of what your child does at home and any activities or achievements that you want to share with us – we then look at these as a class and talk about them- the children love to share their achievements from home with their friends.


Thank you for your support this year and I look forward to getting to know your children and yourselves.

Miss Lane

Please ensure your child has all their uniform, coats, P.E. kit and bags labelled clearly.  Thank you.


School lunch 

All children in Year 0 are entitled to a free school meal.

The menu is designed and cooked from fresh by our experienced catering staff every day. The menu runs on a 3 week timetable and can be found here.

School Meals 

Every child is entitled to lunch and it is a good social and learning experience for the children as well as saving you making a packed lunch every day!

The Early Years staff have lunch with the children to encourage tasting and eating a variety of foods and good table manners.


Please come and ask any member of the Early Years staff anything you are unsure of. Every morning there is a member of staff at the gate that you can speak to. If it is something more detailed you can make an appointment to see the teacher after school.  

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