Welcome to Class 6S
Your class teachers are Ms Silcock and Ms Mandalia.
Our teaching assistants Louise Grenham and Sarah Hadgraft will be working with us in the classroom.
PE days We have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Children should wear their PE kit to school on PE days.
This half term....
We will be reading The Explorer, by Katherine Rundell... with exciting opportunities for writing, including writing our own chapter.
Maths - Fractions, decimals and percentages Area, perimeter and volume.
Science - Evolution and inheritance with a focus on Charles Darwin theory of evolution
History - Elizabethans.
Art - Painting –Pop Art
French - Moi dans le monde (Me in the world)
R.E- What religions say to us when life gets hard?
Remember homework books on Fridays and to read (30 minutes/day). Practise times tables and do the spelling shed assignments as often as you need to.
Looking forward to great attendance and punctuality from you all!