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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School



Welcome to Class 4H

Your class teacher is Mrs Hall. 


PE days are  Mondays and Thursdays. 


Welcome back to School after what has been a fabulously warm summer!  We are looking forward to a successful year 4.
Along with reading regularly at home, year 4 is an important year to learn the remainder of your times tables. From now on, most of the maths that you are taught will involve some form of multiplication and division. These are incredibly easier to access well,  if you know your times tables. 
Is your Child going to join the 'Hall of Fame' on our 'Times Tables Rockstars' display?
Along with reading and times tables, teachers will give out homework on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday..... just to keep your children on their toes!
Spellings are also issued on Mondays for a mini test in the week.

Reading Material this half term

Escape from Pompei                                               
by Christina Balit               


Let's find out what the Children will be learning this year.....

Maths - Your child will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction of three and four digit numbers, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, shape and measurements throughout the year in different forms. Your child's homework on Fridays will give you an idea of what they are or have been studying.
English - Based on the book above, the children will write Descriptive Settings,  Diary accounts, Newspaper reports, and other Narratives. They will be concentrating on vocabulary and grammar that will allow them to recreate these writing about the Eruption of the Volcano.
History - The focus for history is The Romans, their Emperors, their Empire, their invasion of Britain and the resistance from Boudica.
Geography - The children will learn about the construction of Planet Earth, why people live near volcanoes,  the effects of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.
Science - Human and Animal Bodies, teeth, food chains and digestion.
PSHE - New responsibilities (getting older), risks, hazards, dangers and dangerous substances. Pressures of life, and Safety out and about.
R.E. - Faith Today
Art - Collage - focus on Gustav Klimt and how his work lends itself to using Collage techniques.

Please continue to encourage your child to do their weekly maths homework, read for at least 10 minutes every night, learn their weekly spellings and practise their times tables.



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