Welcome to Class 3K
Your class teacher is Mr Khan.
PE Days are Mondays and Thursdays. Children should wear their PE kit to school on PE days.
Welcome back to our busy half term.
Maths - we will be learning about Length and Perimeter and Fractions. We will be continuing to learn the 4 and 8 times tables.
English - We will be reading the story I’ll Take You to Mrs Cole by Nigel Gray and Michael Foreman as well as looking at the short film Girl vs Robot. Our writing focus will be Diary Writing.

Science - Children will identify and describe the functions of the different parts of plants. They will explore what plants need for life and growth. Children will then complete an investigation to see how water is transported through plants. Children will also look at seeds and explore the different ways that plants disperse their seeds.
Re - We will be learning about the Jewish Faith, with a focus on Shabbat
Design and Technology - We will be learning about cross stitch and appliqué with an outcome of creating a cushion.
In Geography We are learning about who lives in Antarctica.
French - we are learning about Ice cream.
Art – We are learning about printing and looking at the work of Andy Warhol.
Music – We are learning The Dragon Song.
Please remember to read at home for at least 10 to 15 mins. Once you have read 15 times you win a prize!. Please bring your homework in on Fridays. |
We use Tapestry in year 3. Click on the button to find out more.