Welcome to Class 2S
Your class teacher is Mrs Stoneman.
Our Teaching Assistants, Shannon, Megan and Kayleigh, will be working with us too.
PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children should wear their PE to school on PE days.
Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. Plenty to learn and plenty to do.
History: The Great Fire of London.

Literacy: Writing diary entries and newspaper reports.
Numeracy: Multiplication and division, length and height, mass and capacity.
RE: The Jewish faith
French: Instruments
PHSE: Helping ourselves be happy and healthy (Ourselves- growing and changing)
Science: Plants and how they grow
Please continue to listen to your child read each night. Ask questions and predict what might happen next. Discuss new vocabulary and its meaning. Spelling Shed and Numbots- Spelling and Maths activities each week.