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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School



Welcome to Class 1TS

Your class teachers are Miss Twydale and Mrs Stumpe.

We have PE on Monday and Friday.  Please ensure children wear their PE kits to school on PE days.




In English, we will be reading Send for a Superhero and The Magic Bed. We will be developing our understanding of adjectives and nouns when writing descriptive sentences as well as creating our very own comic strip and story.


In Maths, we will be learning the difference between 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We will be learning the place value of number up to 20 and different ways we can add/subtract within 20.


In Science, we will be learning about materials and conducting practical experiments on the properties of objects.


In Geographywe will be learning about the weather the changes in the seasons. We will also learn how to use a compass and the different directional points.


In RE, we will be learning about Islam and what it means to belong to a Islamic community.


In PSHE, we will be learning about how to keep ourselves safe online and the similarities and differences between us and our peers.  


In Design and Technology, we will be learning about mechanisms and how we can construct our very own windmill.


In Art, we will be learning how to develop our painting skills and creating our own masterpieces based on the artwork from Wasily Kadinsky.


In Musicwe will be learning about pulse and rhythm in our unit ‘In the Groove’, looking at different styles of M usic.   



Thank you for supporting your child with their reading at home by hearing them read and sharing stories with them.   
Please make sure your child brings their books to school every day so we can hear them read and change their books.


Reminder:  we start our day at 8:20 with fun early morning activities to settle into the school day. We would love to see as many of you here as possible at this time to have a great start to the school day.


Miss Twydale and Mrs Stumpe




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