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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Sunflower Class

 Your class teacher is Miss Smith.

Qamile, Vicki and Gerri will also be working with us.

PE day/s - information to follow soon. 

Hello and welcome to the Sunflower Class page.

We are really excited for the start of this new school year with your child. We are looking forward to getting to know your children and you too! These first few weeks we will be settling in the children to the routine of the school day and observing them to see how they learn and the best way to start off their school life!                                                     

Once we feel the children have settled, we will be sending home reading books and other types of homework that you can do with your child at home to help support them in their learning. I will let you know more about this when it happens. 

We use the online journal Tapestry regularly to communicate to you how and what your child is learning at school. You can also use it to tell us about what your child is getting up to outside of school. We love to share their photos and activities with the whole class. If you haven't started your account please speak to one of us to get you started.

Please ensure your child arrives at school on time, this is an important time of the day for the class. Two of the Early Years staff will be at the gate to welcome the children and at this time you can pass on any information we may need to know for that day, such as someone different collecting them from school.  When school finishes please collect your child from the playground, members of staff will be there to see the children home and also for any conversations you may wish to have about your child. 

We look forward to seeing you all! 

Please have a look at the plans we have shared about what your child will be learning this year. Each half term there will be a new plan . Each plan includes the main books we will be using in class to start off each week. We love books at Westborough and they are an integral part of our teaching. 





Please ensure your child has all their uniform, coats, P.E. kit and bags labelled clearly.  Thank you.


School lunch 

All children in Year 0 are entitled to a free school meal.

The menu is designed and cooked from fresh by our experienced catering staff every day. The menu runs on a 3 week timetable and can be found here.

School Meals 

Every child is entitled to lunch and it is a good social and learning experience for the children as well as saving you making a packed lunch every day!

The Early Years staff have lunch with the children to encourage tasting and eating a variety of foods and good table manners.


Please come and ask any member of the Early Years staff anything you are unsure of. Every morning there is a member of staff at the gate that you can speak to. If it is something more detailed you can make an appointment to see the teacher after school.  





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