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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Curriculum Intent

At Westborough we believe that PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic education) contributes to all aspects of school life, by giving the children the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead confident, happy, healthy, independent and productive lives. Our curriculum ensures our pupils are prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead as they grow up in an increasingly complex world. Learning about keeping themselves safe on and offline, respectful relationships, economic understanding, health (including mental health) and developing resilience and self-efficacy will ensure our pupils become successful adults who make a positive contribution to society.

Although PSHE is currently a non-statutory subject, we strongly believe that teaching children about key elements of PSHE is fundamental to fulfil Section 2.1 of the National Curriculum framework that states: 

‘Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which: 

*   promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society 

*   prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life’ 

Despite the non-statutory status, section 2.5 of the National Curriculum framework document states that: 

‘All schools should make provision for PSHE, drawing on good practice.’ 


Our PSHE curriculum is based on the PSHE Association Programme of Study which has 3 strands: 

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. Relationships
  3. Living in the Wider World

PSHE at Westborough is taught through specific lessons, through other curriculum areas (i.e.) Science, RE and PE and assemblies and is embedded within the ethos of our school. The curriculum is delivered to all children and has been planned progressively to allow children's understanding and skills to build and develop as they mature.

PSHE lessons allow the children the opportunity to discuss their feelings, anxieties and opinions and to explore those held by others in a sensitive and safe environment free from pressure. Ground rules are negotiated with the children so clear boundaries for their discussions are established, an "opt out" clause is always offered and staff are sensitive in their handling of these issues. Any safeguarding concerns that may arise are reported to the Designated Safeguarding staff. 

During PSHE lessons, pupils will explore topics such as bullying, drug misuse, sex education, prejudice and abuse, financial education and many other important areas. When appropriate, the topics we explore are often reinforced by visits from external guests (i.e.) GANGs workshops in Year 6, Healthy Lifestyle sessions delivered by Southend United Football Club.

RSE (Relationships and sex education)

From September 2020 it has been statutory for all schools to teach relationships (and sex) education/RSE and Health Education/ HE. Children, throughout the school, will learn about healthy friendships and relationships, keeping themselves safe from abuse, different family structures, physical and mental well-being, gender stereotypes and basic first aid. To teach these areas well and ensure that all content is age appropriate the curriculum has been carefully planned and sequenced using resources from St. John's ambulance, NSPCC (PANTs), the PSHE association etc. We have also adopted the Growing up with Yasmin and Tom resources to explore relationships and sex education and all lessons are planned and delivered in an age appropriate manner.

Sex education is still advisory at primary school although many aspects are delivered through the science curriculum (i.e.) naming body parts accurately, changes during puberty; these elements are statutory. The sex education lessons delivered in Year 6 that focus on sexual intercourse are not statutory and parents have the right to withdraw their children from these. 


The progressive nature of our curriculum enables our pupils to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to succeed and be productive, happy and healthy adults. They will gain the qualities of kindness, integrity, generosity, honesty and will be tolerant of and celebrate difference preparing them well for adulthood and life as a global citizen. Our PSHE curriculum is comprehensive and tailored to our children (i.e.) Gangs workshops in Year 6, Water and beach safety (Southend lifeguards). This ensures our children are aware of dangers within their local environment and online and are able to assess risks to themselves or others. The curriculum fosters pupil wellbeing and develops the resilience and character needed to achieve both personal and academic goals, encouraging them to be ambitious and entrepreneurial and to form respectful relationships with others. The knowledge and attributes gained will support their own, and others’, wellbeing and attainment and help our pupils to become successful and happy adults who make a meaningful contribution to society.


Assessment is ongoing and staff monitor children’s understanding skills and attitudes. Further teaching is provided if there are gaps in learning that need addressing.

As a whole school, a record is kept (on CPOMs) of any behaviour or attitudes that do not fit our curriculum intent and intervention can be put into place to further develop our pupil’s empathy and tolerance.


  • Growing up with Yasmin and Tom
  • John's ambulance
  • The PSHE association
  • Money sense

Curriculum development opportunities

During normal circumstances, a variety of curriculum development opportunities are offered including school trips, visits and visitors to school. These include the GANGs workshops, Road safety education, Fire Safety, NSPCC PANTs assemblies.

Intervention and support

Ongoing assessment informs staff of children who may need further support or intervention. Support is offered in class in the form of small groups or on an individual basis and work is differentiated appropriately to meet individual needs.

Records are kept of any behaviour or attitudes that do not support our curriculum intent and these are challenged and intervention and support can be offered. 

pshe progression westborough.pdf


rse progression.pdf


pshe cross curricular coverage.pdf


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