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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


PE Vision at Westborough

· To develop a good hand eye coordination that can be applied to any sport

· To understanding spatial awareness and apply this to any sport

· To have developed good core skills

· To have experienced a wide range of sport

· To have developed good stamina

· To want to participate in exercise/sport at different levels

· To understand basic attacking and defending skills in all sports

· To understand what happens to their body during exercise and the importance of being active

· To develop good teamwork/sportsmanship

· To have been inspired by seeing sports people and wanting to watch sports, find out about sports or play sports

· To have basic swimming technique - enough to save their life

· To understand the hard work that goes into being an athlete and for the children to have the resilience to do this if they wish

· To give them links to clubs that they can pursue out of school

· To develop life-long enjoyment and passion for jump rope/skipping.





To develop children’s positive experiences and enable them to achieve personal successes to support their health and fitness; to develop appropriate skills and confidence to be able to partake in sports and other physically-demanding activities.




The Westborough Primary School believes that Physical Education (PE), experienced in a safe and supportive environment is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical skills development and appreciate enjoyment of a healthy lifestyle that would last to their adult life.

PE at The Westborough Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor & adventure.

The long term plan sets out the PE units which are taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. Pupils participate in high quality PE lessons each week and receive at least two hours of active learning.

In addition to that children are encouraged to participate in an extremely varied range of extra-curricular activities. Lunchtime and after school sports clubs are available throughout the week some of these are aimed at squad training preparing the teams and children for competitive sports opportunities.

Swimming lessons are timetabled throughout the year with the aim of all these children swimming at least 25 metres by the time they leave at Year 6.

We have elected Sports Council reps from Year 3 to Year 6 and Year 5 & 6 volunteers who are invited to become Sports Leaders for the school. They develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with lunch-time clubs, our annual Sports days and Level 1 Intra-competition in school.

At Westborough School we have 2 levels of competitions where children can develop passion for winning and sportsmanship and being graceful in defeat. These also helps develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children. Level 1 is the Intra-competitions within the class and year band. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage everyone to have a go within the PE lesson. Children who excels in the first level of competition are invited to attend try-out to participate in Level 2 competitions. Our team if you like that trains to represent our school in competitive sporting events within the local area.

We hope that from our PE lessons, our children can take responsibility for their own health and fitness and have the confidence to enjoy the success of competitive sports. We try hard to equip our children with the necessary skills as well as promote a real love for sport. This will then hopefully enable them to grow up not only happy but healthy and utilise all the skills and knowledge acquired through PE.




Progress is monitored through use of informal assessments, including observations and questioning. More formal assessments are made termly tracking pupils working at, towards or greater depth which is reported to parents at the end of the year. For research purposes a pilot assessment using a standardized Test of Gross Motor Development 3 (TGMD3) is currently being sampled since 2021 to ensure that children are performing their best to get an accurate assessment of their motor skills competence. Pupil voice also plays a critical role in measuring the impact of PE at Westborough School.

Progress and achievement in swimming is tracked and assessed at the end of both Year 5 and again at Year 6, recording percentages of pupils swimming the required distance.

Impact is also measured through achievements within competitions throughout the year.


westborough pe progression of skills.pdf



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